Complete the following assignment for up to 10 points in extra credit. This is a two-part assignment about social/economic mobility which must be submitted by the end of Week 8 for credit.
Part 1: “Upward Mobility” and Hurdles
Watch the following YouTube video (3.5 minutes) by Richard Reeves of the Brookings Institute, who was a recent visiting scholar at UW-Madison, as he uses Legos to explore inequality and opportunity in the U.S.
What are your thoughts about this analysis? Is there any way to improve the chances of upward mobility for the majority of people in the U.S.? How does it relate to the history of your own family or your own hopes looking into the future?
Related articles for a deeper understanding:
A really fascinating podcast highlighting the history of racial housing discrimination in Milwaukee
An article summarizing new data that shows it’s not just poverty, it’s race and role models
Wage Gaps in the US estimated to cost Trillions
Part 2: Simulation Game: Can You Survive on the Minimum Wage?
Play the following simulation game for both Wisconsin and one other state you might want to live in. Write up your results and reactions what would you have to cut out of your budget to not go bankrupt?
Related articles for a deeper understanding:
WHAT TO SUBMIT: Type up and submit a one-to-two page summary which answers the questions posed above. Be sure to make connections to course concepts.
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