I will write down the previous description in order to remind you what is the Thesis talk about.
First of all, I’d like to do my whole thesis with you chapter by chapter if you do not mind. and I am going to leave the abstract at the end. As I have duration of two months in order to finish it Overview of the thesis. My Thesis topic is about, Importing Infant Formula in Saudi Arabia First of all, this thesis will be focusing on every thing that related to importation of Infant formula in Saudi Arabia: – Who is responsible for importing infant formula at boarder inspection in Saudi Arabia, and do they apply and follow regulations and standards . – What are the procedures they have or they do to ensure that infants products are safe and comply with high quality and standards. – What are steps they follow since receive product and till deliver it to consumers. – Is there competent laboratory where they can subject all products to analysis. -How many infants formula products are in Saudi Arabia. – After receiving infants products are submit to retail or to wholesales. – How they storage these products and do they have specific storages that comply with regulations and standards. – Looking at the recent issues and crisis about infants formula and how it affects Saudi society, and what can we do to solve these kind of issues. -Different types of infants formula for different periods i.e. (new born – 3 months) (3 months – 6 months ). -Baby formula putting healthy babies at risk ? -What kind of risks and damages will babies exposure to if they feed inappropriate infants formula? -Which formula should mothers use? or Which is nearest to mothers milk? -Side affects to bottle feeding ? What are the main types of infant formula? . As an introduction, you should write Summary of Infant Products uses. -Introduce and Discuss Products. -Discuss problems of issues associated with for example, Melamine, and Bacteria ( Cronobacter sakazakii, Salmonella, Bacillus Cereus, and Clostridium) Aims of the study ; ( As a part of the introduction) – improving and amendment some of regulations and standards of Saudi Food and Drug Authority, by looking for weakness points, and Compare them to Regulations and Standards of European Food Safety Authority in relation to Infants Formula. – Avoiding such issues that happened in the recent years according to Infant Formula in Saudi Arabia such as imported products that have been found contaminated after investigating which caused critical health issues for some babies. – Decreasing the number of Infant Formula Products in Saudi Arabia, which is about 20 imported products and that making most people, and specifically mothers being confused about which one is the best for their babies. – Improving procedures stages of importing infant formula. – Providing public awareness about products that are recommended by Saudi Food and Drug Authority. • In about three pages. •
– Because we already have done the Introduction and I am still waiting for my supervisor to inform me if there is modifications or feedback, so we can Keep continue doing the rest of the dissertation starting from the second chapter ” Literature Review, ( 27 pages), then Methodology (10 Pages), Results (10 Pages), and Discussion including conclusion (10 pages) in addition one page for Abstract.
-To start writing the Literature Review you should follow the below points:
– Importation legislations – How imports are controlled in Saudi Arabia, (Chemical, Microbial, Physical).
– Storage – pre and post distribution, + conditions distribution.
– How are they temperature controlled?
– Public awareness and perception about preparing + Shoring Infant formula.
– Recommendations, How to improve.
– In this thesis there will not be survey, but what we are going to do is collect statistics and data about issues and crisis that happened in Saudi Arabia in the last four years in relation to Infant Formula and then we can analysis them and take the results, and after that do discussion part.
Also I will upload the introduction part that you have done it in case you need it, I will upload all files related to my dissertation plus guideline that could be helpful for you.
( Whenever you finished from each chapter, would you please send it to me)) Many thanks.
I have made mistek in relation to pages number ” Literature Review, ( 28 pages), then Methodology (10 Pages), Results (10 Pages), and Discussion including conclusion (11 pages) in addition one page for Abstract.
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