Charisma is a characteristic frequently associated with leaders, and the world is full of examples of charismatic leaders being portrayed as individuals. Charisma is a characteristic frequently associated with leaders, and the world is full of examples of charismatic leaders being portrayed as individuals. Charisma is best defined as compelling attractiveness or charm that inspires devotion in others (Goleman 2003). Two ways in which charisma can impact the efficiency of your resume and cover letter after reading 5 Steps to Charismatic Speaking and Leadership would be some emotional intelligence (EI) and some practice. In regards to practice, taking the time out to practice or do something over and over again is a good way to learn to get a positive outcome. Not everyone is good at creating a resume however practice becomes perfect. The more one does something the better they are at what they do. Practicing these talents like any other would show signs of success and more charismatic speaking and leadership. Secondly, emotional intelligence plays a part in the efficiency of a resume and cover letter because charismatic people are good emotional actors. In addition, writing a cover letter and resume is a skill. Both EI and charisma go hand in hand in every area of existence to get the best out of you. In addition, many companies promote those workers who have a higher degree of emotional intelligence to managerial or leadership roles. Specialized and specialized preparation may establish influence over mood changes and emotional impulsiveness that can contribute to greater charisma among individuals with managerial responsibilities. Charismatic leaders are capable of turning conventional organizations into thriving ones (Guarino 2020).
Goleman, D. (2003). What makes a leader? Organizational influence processes, 1, 229-241.
Guarino, J. (2020). 5 Steps to Charismatic Speaking & Leadership. Institute of Public speaking. Retrieved from
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