Write an essay in response to one of the extracts. Your essay should focus on careful reading of the passage. Thus you must include direct reference to and analysis of the extract, considering language, form, and literary technique.The essay is a close-reading essay, which means that you should pay careful attention to the extract. Only analyse the passage quoted in the extract. Do not analyse the rest of the Robinson Crusoe. You should not need to consult secondary sources, but if you do use ideas that are not your own, you must include clear citation, using MLA 8 guidelines. Please refer to the university policy on academic honesty and plagiarism. Failure to maintain academic honesty could result in failure of the entire module or even more serious disciplinary action.Your essay should have an introduction that outlines the approach you will take, providing an overall summary of your interpretation and analysis of the passage. Likewise, you should include a clear conclusion that brings the essay to a close. Your introduction and conclusion may contextualize your essay in relation to the whole of Robinson Crusoe and scholarly interpretations. Additional guidance:See below for additional prompts related to each passage. They are optional and to assist your thinking only. You may refer to one or more in your essay or choose another topic to focus your essay. If you choose more than one topic, make sure you connect them together in your essay to ensure coherence. Extract 4You might consider presentation of character, social progress, political allegory.
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