Task Overview: The purpose of this assessment is to develop your ability to analyse real-life HR issues and relate them to HR strategy and theory. You will need to scan the environment for suitable material. This material needs to be collated and presented in a report format with its relevance to SHRM. For this assignment, you will be required to analyse three (3) different recent media articles that relate to three different HR topics; and link these articles to SHRM and the material that we cover in the unit in weeks 2, 3, 4 or 5. For this assignment, you will analyse any media information in relation to strategic human resources management (SHRM) and any of the material that we cover in class. This data can be obtained from the following newspapers/periodicals: The Sydney Morning Herald, The Australian, Australian Financial Review and The Economist. Your chosen articles must be published between July 1st 2019 – 30th October 2020. You must include those articles in your references and as an appendix.PLEASE VIEW FULL INSTRUCTIONS ON ATTACHED DOCUMENT LABELLED INSTRUCTIONS. If you have any issues accessing the textbook please inform me ASAP its vital that it is used.Textbook: Boxall, P. and Purcell, J., (2015) Strategy and Human Resource Management, 4th ed., Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. The lectures are attached they are also crucial. Along with the marking criteria and the Template. There is alot of information here so if you could review it all before beginning and ask me any questions if you need. THanks in advance.
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