theory x and theory y

Choose a scholarly article based on the following topics, read, and write a summaryof the article for each topicExample:Bamford-Wade, A., & Moss, C. (2010). Transformational leadership and sharedgovernance: an action study. Journal of Nursing Management, 18(7), 815-821. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2834.2010.01134.xThe authors are nursing faculty members (Auckland University of Technology andMonash University, respectively) who conducted action research to explore how aDirector of Nursing (DON) used transformational leadership (TL) principles andshared governance methods to empower nursing staff in order to advance culturechange. The authors posited that the use of action research allowed the DON toapply the Four Is of TL (idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectualstimulation, and individual consideration) to create an environment where sharedgovernance could exist. They stressed the values-based nature of TL as ideallysuited for the nursing profession. Their research made a connection between thelack of power, political naivet, and resistance to change; as nurses in the studydeveloped more power and political ability, they became active partners in changeprocesses and hospital outcomes improved. The results supported the use of TL asa framework for sustainable change. Study limitations included the potential biasinherent when researchers conduct a study in their place of employment1

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