Use a simple design. Keep your text at 24 point or larger so that it can be read easily.
Slides are a focus, not a report – Slides are a focus, but since we all can read, the benefit of an
audio track is to provide commentary – explaining why the information on the slide is important,
provide examples to illustrate the points raised on a slide, etc. Otherwise, why not just take the
text on the slides and put it in to a paper? According to several polls and surveys, the number one
presentation complaint is “The speaker read the PowerPoint slides to us.” When you display a
slide filled with text, its natural for your audience to try to read it. Instead, if you were giving a
live presentation, youd converse with your audience – letting them see the slide as an outline of
the talk, with items on each slide as illustrative of what you are discussing (figures, graphs, etc.)
or as cues for you to expand upon
You will need to provide complete references in your paper and in your powerpoint, video,
podcast, etc., starting with the popular press article and the source scholarly article. You can
include other primary sources as needed. You may include references to a newspaper, a weekly
news magazine, or other popular press article that you cite in addition to any scholarly
references, but not in lieu of them. Do not include a reference for anything you have not
completely read (that is, no citations to books unless you have actually read the book!).
You should present the references in APA Style. Seriously. If you use Word, there is a menu
item called References that will assist you in the formatting and information needed. Do not
simply attach a URL that is not a substitute for an APA Style reference.
I need voice on the presentation on each slide explaining each page 7-8 minutes long total. No accent please in the voice.
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