instructions:share your thinking and your evolving social analysis through responses to thereadings and course content (over approximately the last month). It is important to share whatyou are thinking about, your response to the authors/content and the evidence/information uponwhich you base your thinking. You may also want to use a medical wheel type framework,sharing your responses on the level of the intellect, of the emotions, in relation to spirituality aswell as your physical/gut/intuitive responses to the content. Think about what would happen ifthe authors recommendations were implemented, what would the world look like? Would therebe more justice, fairness and equity for Indigenous people? What are the implications and whatdo you think about that? Many of these issues are controversial so they are bound to evokestrong responses. For example, if being an ally to Indigenous people means relinquishingpersonal or state-held/Crown land to Indigenous communities, how would you feel about that?
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