Please see instructions below. There are many events you can choose from including1) Why the government would assign a former police officer to be the Quebec Minister of Education? Share your analysis around this in relation to colonialism and structural violence. Why is this denied in Quebec so regularly?2) The racial attack and manslaughter of an Indigenous woman in a Quebec hospital. Why no charges? Why are people who are visibly Indigenous unsafe in instititutional settings? What needs to be done?3). Policing? Is policing about the suppression of Indigenous resistance, people of colour and the poor? Are police necessary? Do we need reforms, abolition or …?4) How do Indigenous people fare in a pandemic? In this assignment, you will pick one particular incident that unfolded as part of a largerIndigenous rights struggle. You are asked to 1). Identify and explain the problems, itscomplexities and implications; 2) Explain the responses and Indigenous/activist resistance; 3)How did it go? What were the results of these interventions?; and 4) What were the learnings?Which organizations/websites are working on this issue? Which perspectives are presented,according to which worldviews and approaches?This case study should be five pages, double-spaced, 12 pt font, plus title page andbibliography. In addition to describing the events, you need to also demonstrate yourcritical/social analysis, cite from the Indigenous/Indigenist readings and discuss how power andoppression were at work, as well as the tactics and approaches to liberation and racial/eco-justiceand Indigenous rights.
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