This assignment addresses course SLO’s 1&2 and SPO’s 2, 4 & 5.
In this assignment you will need to set aside about 3-4 hours. You can work on it slowly over the week. You will need access to a computer, reliable internet, a word processing program, free Google Earth program, free Screencast-o-matic access (see tab on the left of Canvas), and an internal or external computer microphone.
What will you do?
You will design a “virtual” field trip experience, that is, a student in an online course like this one, could “go on” the trip that you design by following along with a narrated Google Earth tour, and a digital trifold digital field trip pamphlet. Your completed field trip should “virtually” transport a student along a field trip route with 4 “stops” where one physical geography feature and process can be “observed and discussed” from the atmosphere, lithosphere, biosphere, and hydrosphere. Your virtual field trip will consist of:
A field trip pamphlet (an 8.5″ x 11″ trifold pamphlet, double sided as a .doc or .pdf) summarizing IN YOUR OWN WORDS the 4 locations, features , patterns and processes.
A URL link with a screencast of your narrated Google Earth video tour, that should transport a student to the 4 locations with unique physical geography patterns in the atmosphere, lithosphere, biosphere, and hydrosphere. (between 3-3.5 minutes)
What should the 4 field trip stops cover?
In your field trip you must have at least 4 “stops” where you highlight one physical geography “feature and process.” A physical geography natural feature is one that you can virtually observe on the Earth (i.e. a canyon, a river, a glacier, a volcano). A geography process is when you describe causes of the natural feature to occur (i.e. plate tectonics, the water cycle, weathering and erosion).
For Example: Cumulonimbus clouds (a part of the atmosphere), are a natural feature that occur in more than one area. A field trip stop may view this feature along the San Gabriel Mountains of Southern California, particularly during the summer in the afternoon. The field trip tour and pamphlet should explain that the process that forms cumulonimbus clouds at the base of the San Gabriel Mountains is orographic lifting, when air hits the mountain, rises, cools and water condenses to form clouds.
How do you create a Google Earth Video Tour?
You will use your complete Google Tour and a free screencast online program Screencast-o-matic to create a a URL for 3-3.5 minute minute screen cast which compares and contrasts verbally and shows with a pointer the physical geography patterns then host your screencast on You Tube or another free hosting site. Then just copy and paste your screencast URL to your pamphlet’s front page.
Check out this example of a Google Earth field trip video tour that I screencast (using free
How do you create a field trip pamphlet guide?
Use a word processing program like Word or iWork and use a trifold pamphlet or brochure template. Your field trip pamphlet guide should be 8.5″ x 11″ trifold pamphlet, double sided submitted to Canvas as a .doc or .pdf. Then all you have to do is add detailed descriptions of the physical geography feature at each of the 4 stops, the pattern and process with pictures, captions and citations. Be sure to add the URL of your Google Earth Field Trip Video to the Front Page of your Pamphlet. Check out these examples: Pamphlet ExamplePreview the document, Yosemite Pamphlet ExamplePreview the document
How will your project be graded?
The field guide pamphlet and google earth video tour will each be assessed based on simple rubric. Please review the grading rubric in the grade book (Links to an external site.) for reference as you create your assignment.
Turn it In Policy
Less than 25% copy score from Turnitin is an acceptable level of borrowing, if cited properly. Please make sure that you are submitting the correct file type. If submitting a .pdf submission, make sure that it is a text-based file, as image-based files will not give you a Turnitin score. Assignments submitted in a format that does not allow a Turnitin score will not be accepted, and will result in a 0 for that assignment. If you have previously taken this course, you cannot resubmit work (this is known as “self-plagiarism”). You must revise your assignments so that you stay under the 25% Turnitin threshold. After submitting, check that you have a Turnitin score, and that it is under 25%.
An important Note on PLAGIARISM
This is a reminder that any assignments you turn in to this course must be written in your own words. Copying from the internet or any other source can only be done if you put the text in quotes and immediately cite the source next to the quote. Although, you should refrain from this and instead put ideas gathered from your research into your own words. This is called paraphrasing.
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